Bizsys creates Scanner that eliminates Coronavirus from packaging
Bizsys creates Scanner that eliminates Coronavirus from packaging
VIA Olhar Digital
Due to the social distance determined by authorities during the new coronavirus pandemic, many people have preferred delivery services.
With this in mind, Bizsys, a Brazilian technology and innovation company, in partnership with the Health Block, created SafeCode. The equipment, which is still in the prototype stage, is a scanner that uses UV-C light technology to destroy bacteria and viruses, including the causative agent of the new coronavirus. The device can be used in packaging and even food, without changing its properties.
The purpose of the creation is for it to be used by logistics companies, establishing a new way of guaranteeing the security of deliveries. “Many companies limit themselves to recommending social distancing, we chose to develop something for a society that helps to save lives”, comments Bernardo Romero, Partner and CCO of the Bloc.
The idea is quite interesting since, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the virus can survive for up to three days on some surfaces. In the case of cardboard boxes, commonly used in food deliveries, it can survive for about 24 hours, representing a risk for both the deliverer and the recipient.
SafeCode combines UV-C technology with 1D and 2D barcode detection, with the aim of helping to reduce the transmission of the new coronavirus through packaging and even food handling.
According to Science Magazine, UV-C light is effective and recognized as a way to eliminate the virus. The Santa Casa da Misericórdia of São Carlos, in the interior of São Paulo, uses similar technology to sterilize its environments.
As the companies inform that the technical specifications of the equipment are available free of charge for those interested in producing the product on a large scale. Simply order them directly from the website.