Ambev vai fabricar e doar 3 milhões de máscaras de proteção para profissionais de saúde

Ambev vai fabricar e doar 3 milhões de máscaras de proteção para profissionais de saúde



The equipment will be produced by a partner company in Guarulhos (SP) and are technically evaluated by the INOVA USP-Innovation Center at the University of São Paulo and by the INOVAHC-Innovation Center at the Hospital das Clínicas of the USP School of Medicine. Production begins later this week, and distribution will take place over the next week.

The face shields are washable and will be donated to the Ministry of Health, which will be in charge of distributing them to hospitals across the country. “We are striving to find ways to help Brazil overcome this moment as soon as possible. Facial protection is one of the main personal protective equipment to help prevent Covid-19 for healthcare professionals who are on the front lines, and we have dedicated our design and engineering team to develop the protector”, comments Jean Jereissati, CEO of Ambev.

Last week, several health professionals tested the face shield, such as Dr. Rubens Belfort, from the National Academy of Medicine, and Prof. João Aléssio, from Hospital São Paulo. “This face shield model has the differential of being easily sanitized and is one of the main demands of the health network in the country, in addition to complementing the use of the mask”, says Rubens.

For the production of face protectors, Ambev counted on the contribution of partners from the conception of the idea, the development of the production technique and the manufacture of the equipment. Among them are the companies Africa and Bizsys.



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