Lil Sugar - Master of Disguise
Hip Hop Public Health e Area 23
Lil Sugar - Master of Desguise
Hip Hop Public Health
AREA 23, an IPG Health company, launched the cross-platform “Lil Sugar” campaign, in collaboration with the New York-based global nonprofit Hip Hop Public Health (HHPH) to raise awareness of hidden sugars in many of the food we eat. A leader in health education and advocacy, Hip Hop Public Health is dedicated to fusing art, music and science to educate and empower young people around vital health topics including obesity, stroke, hypertension and related conditions; and more recently COVID-19.
As recent data show, the already alarming disparities in obesity rates among children aged 2 to 17 have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, likely due to a combination of factors such as school closures, closure of organized youth sports and limiting activities. extracurricular activities, along with challenges in accessing fresh, nutritious foods and increased consumption of comfort foods that contain excessive amounts of fat and sugar.
As a result, the pandemic has accelerated childhood obesity, putting young people at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes and other health problems. “Lil Sugar” aims to improve nutrition education and shed light on the many sugars that are lurking in the foods we eat.
The campaign revolves around the character “Lil Sugar” – a cunning sugar cube and master of disguise whose main objective is to ensure that no one recognizes who or what he really is or where he is hiding until it is too late. Lil Sugar is featured in an original song and an animated hip-hop music video that features Darryl "DMC" McDaniels of RUN DMC as the voice of Lil Sugar. As a hip-hop legend, community advocate and health enthusiast, DMC uses hard-hitting raps and unapologetic swagger to reveal Lil Sugar's sinister strategy of sneaking into various foods that kids and families eat.
“A defesa da saúde é uma paixão minha, e a música é a melhor forma de expressão quando se trata de compartilhar informações importantes sobre saúde em nossas comunidades”, disse Darryl DMC McDaniels. “Estou honrado em emprestar minha voz para representar Lil Sugar e espero que inspiremos os jovens em todos os lugares a tomar decisões conscientes sobre nutrição e seu bem-estar.”
“Queríamos criar um personagem como Lil Sugar que ressoasse com pais e filhos e educá-los sobre os efeitos nocivos do consumo de muito açúcar”, disse Tim Hawkey, CCO da ÁREA 23. “Trabalhar com uma lenda como DMC permite que campanha para alcançar públicos-chave, particularmente aqueles em comunidades que foram economicamente / socialmente marginalizadas, para fazê-lo de uma forma divertida e envolvente. “

In addition to the song and music video, the campaign includes an accompanying website, an interactive app, and is the subject of an engaging and colorful children's book, Lil Sugar Master of Disguise, with a foreword by Dr. Olajide Williams, founder of Hip Hop Public. Health, Associate Dean for Community Research and Engagement and Professor of Neurology at Columbia University, and Chief of Staff in the Department of Neurology at NewYork Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
There are currently at least 150 different names for sugar in 74% of packaged products in the US, and most people can't tell them apart, which makes the need for education even more critical. Childhood obesity rates continue to rise and cause an increased risk of serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease (CKD) and COVID-19. Black and brown communities, in particular, are facing disproportionately higher rates of these diseases. These disparities exist for a number of reasons, including lack of access to affordable healthy food (food desserts), the myriad effects of systemic and historical racism, access to health care, lower levels of health literacy, and others. social determinants of health.
“Child obesity remains one of the most pressing health issues facing young people, and COVID-19 has magnified it,” said Dr. Williams. “Lil Sugar's goal is to provide parents, children, educators and the general public with the tools they need to be aware of and take action against the harmful consequences of consuming too much sugar. We look forward to continuing this campaign and working with a variety of partners to spread the word about Lil Sugar. "
The collaborative team behind the creation and launch of Lil Sugar includes AREA 23, an IPG Health company, Hip Hop Public Health, Zombie, Chicken Soup, Blurred Vision Entertainment, BizSys, Asteroid, Produceria, Darryl DMC McDaniels and Finn Partners.
Project: Lil Sugar – Master of Disguise
Client: Hip Hop Public Health
Patnership: Area 23
Year: 2021