GNF Warninglight

GNF Warninglight

6 people die a day from carbon monoxide poisoning. It is an invisible and odorless gas, which makes the leak undetectable. The Warninglight is a lamp that has the common lighting functions, but when it detects a CO2 leak, it changes its light to red, warning about the leak.

But why a light bulb? Because gas is lighter than air, and it contaminates the environment from top to bottom. Also, most occurrences happen in windowless environments where a light bulb would naturally be on. Warninglight costs 20x less than a traditional leak detector, which makes it much more affordable, especially in developing countries.


Project: GNF WarningLight
Year: 2018

©2020 BIZSYS

432 Dom João V St.
Lapa – São Paulo

+55 (11) 3288-2121

©2020 BIZSYS

432 Dom João V St.
Lapa – São Paulo

+55 (11) 3288-2121