Emergency Route


The Emergency Route project united three trends in the OOH segment: innovation, mobile integration and communication of causes. An application developed by JCDecaux allowed ambulance GPS to connect to São Paulo clocks to help clear the way and prevent loss of life in traffic.

The case took one gold and two bronzes at the Cannes Lions awards. The creation is by Y&R for JCDecaux, with Bizsys development.


Project: Emergency Route 
Client: JCDecaux
Partnership: JCDecaux

Cannes Lions 2018
Gold Cannes Lion (Outdoor – Dynamic Digital Screens)
Bronze Cannes Lion (Outdoor – Standard Sites)
Bronze Cannes Lion
Shortlist Cannes Lion
Shortlist Cannes Lion

©2020 BIZSYS

432 Dom João V St.
Lapa – São Paulo

+55 (11) 3288-2121

©2020 BIZSYS

432 Dom João V St.
Lapa – São Paulo

+55 (11) 3288-2121